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Alla fine di una strada fangosa, nella desolata campagna irlandese, sorge la fattoria di Dan Reilly. Per ovviare alle magre finanze, il contadino accetta di ospitare un laboratorio biotecnologico impegnato nella sperimentazione di test sulla fertilità del bestiame, ma qualcosa non va per il verso giusto e un’orrenda mutazione s’innesca nei bovini, generando dei feti mutanti. Per i cinque abitanti della fattoria sarà l’inizio di un’allucinante battaglia per la sopravvivenza.

For his debut feature, Isolation, filmmaker Billy O’Brien channels the spirit of Ridley Scott’s Alien and David Cronenberg-styled organic metamorphosis to craft an old-fashioned, by-the-book science fiction thriller. Set on a farm in rural Ireland genetic experiments are being performed on the livestock, advance reproduction genetics to be exact. Much to the chagrin of farmer, Dan, and verternarian, Orla, the experiments have gone on until something goes wrong with the experiments. Newborn calves are being born impregnated themselves – and one has escaped spreading the mutant cow virus throughout the rest of the herd and a couple humans. If you’re a fan of David Cronenberg and his disgusting techniques in visual storytelling, ISOLATION is going to blow your freaking mind. In fact, ISOLATION is the most solid gross-out film since THE FLY that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

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