Piombo rovente – A journey into the ’70’s italian police O.S.T. (LP)




‘Naples main titles’ (from Napoli sara’)
‘Gangster story’ (from ‘Roma violenta’)
‘New special squad’ (from ‘Roma violenta’)
‘The blue boat’ (from ‘The big game)

‘Running against the time’ (from ‘The big game)
‘The other face’ (from ‘Roma violenta’)
‘The stranger lady’ (from ‘Napoli spara’)
‘Time on my hands’ (from ‘The big game)
‘Affanno’ (from ‘Roma a mano armata)
‘Il libanese’ (from ‘La polizia incrimina la legge assolve’)
‘Incessante’ (from ‘La poliziotta fa carriera’)
‘Hong Kong promenade’ (from ‘The big game)
‘You’ll kill her’ (from The big game’)

‘Cape town arbour’ (from The big game’)

‘The other face (8)’ (from ‘Roma violenta’)
‘Pulsar’ (from ‘Milano violenta’)

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